Nuestros coaches ya capacitados pueden conectarse según sus horarios, utilizando un dispositivo con conexión a Internet, e interactuar con personas de todo el mundo.
Cada coach recibe una capacitación integral y gratuita, y a los nuevos coaches se les asigna un mentor que los apoya para que lleven la esperanza del evangelio a los perdidos.
Cientos de personas acuden a nuestra plataforma de chat cada día desesperadas por alguien que las escuche, buscando respuestas y sintiéndose perdidas.
Estamos buscando voluntarios que estén apasionados por su fe en Jesús y quieran compartir con otros la esperanza que han encontrado en Él.
La Academia de Capacitación Groundwire se compone de lecciones que ayudan a los coaches a aprender a usar nuestra plataforma de chat para compartir el Evangelio con quienes solicitan chatear. Como parte de nuestra capacitación (que es a tu propio ritmo), enseñamos a los coaches cómo manejar situaciones difíciles, tales como encontrarse con visitantes con tendencias suicidas. En total, son 11 horas de capacitación. Si tomas de 2 a 4 horas de capacitación por semana, puedes esperar graduarte de la Academia de Capacitación Groundwire en el transcurso de 3 a 6 semanas.
Whether it’s taking an offering, including Groundwire in your monthly mission's budget, or giving a one-time gift, we encourage partnering churches to financially support the efforts in the National Groundwire Outreach.
Include the Groundwire National Outreach in your prayer communications. Because the outreach is evangelistic and aggressive, prayer is key.
Church Partnership: A church will be asked to participate in the National Groundwire Outreach by creating awareness in their congregation. There are several ways in which your congregation can get involved.
A culture of outreach and missions
If your church aligns with the following characteristics, we would love to partner with you.
Assign a strategic contact (does not necessarily need to be the senior pastor, could be office manager or other staff person) that will help to quickly identify the best entry point for a new believer or person seeking a connection to the church. This person will take responsibility for taking the information of a new believer from the Groundwire team, to hand-off (to the appropriate church staff or member) for follow-up.
Whether you choose to share during a service, send an email blast, or utilize other church structures, we ask partnering churches to make the need for coaches known to the congregation. See more info about coaches above.
Place church contact information on the form below.
Biblical in their approach and teaching
Relevant without compromising Biblical standards/convictions
Not shocked or judgemental at fringe appearance
Effective with Millennials and Gen-Z (culture/community)
Embrace discipleship responsibilities with one-on-one relationships
A vital part of our mission is connecting new believers with the local church to facilitate intentional discipleship. We are looking for churches that will support and invest in those coming to faith through the Groundwire Campaign. Our hope is to bring new believers into a church community through fellowship and follow-up.
If you are interested in partnering, email
Interested in contributing toward our mission in a measurable and impactful way? Check out how you can get involved or champion a day of thoughtful social media interruptions.
The generosity of our donors makes our mission possible. Learn more about ways to give and join us in believing for transformation in the younger generations.